We have big plans, even for the planet
We contribute to the changeFrom the Rocky Mountains of Canada to the Iraqi desert, from the lush Colombian forest to the Kazakh steppe, carrying out every activity in total protection of the environment, safeguarding biodiversity and with the least environmental impact has always been an essential prerequisite for SICIM, both in its environmental policies and operational practices. Indeed, we promote a way of thinking and acting that is one step ahead of legal compliance or certification standards. This sets us on a long and complex path of environmental sustainability to protect the new generations: today more challenging than ever considering the energy transition and the 2030 Agenda Goals.
We therefore take care to monitor and improve our sustainability performance, not only in terms of protecting biodiversity and reducing impacts, but also in terms of waste utilisation and promoting the circular economy, water management and energy efficiency.
Since 2011, we have installed photovoltaic systems on the roofs of the buildings at our headquarters that exploit solar energy to produce electricity. The systems cover a total surface area of over 13,000 square metres (the equivalent of 2 football pitches): one provides the energy to the headquarters and the other one is for total sale to the national grid.

We are always engaged in promoting and spreading greater environmental awareness, supporting wider efforts to:
Communicate our environmental protection activities to employees and stakeholders.
Respect the commitment made to customers, public authorities, local communities, and other stakeholders to always operate in accordance with environmental requirements and industry best practices.
Participate in workshops with trade associations and other forums to share and exchange lessons learnt with partners and competitors.
Promoting the efficient use of energy by monitoring the consumption of different energy sources through appropriate tools and methodologies.
Optimising and measuring the use of water resources, especially in geographical areas classified as high or extremely high in water stress (with reference to the WRI Aqueduct water risk atlas tool).
Promote and, if possible, develop initiatives to counter biodiversity loss - through conservation and restoration environmental policies - by promoting a sustainable and shared use of resources and tackling the extinction of threatened species.