Construction of the TANAP, LOT 2

Construction of the TANAP, LOT 2
Construction of the TANAP, LOT 2
Construction of the TANAP, LOT 2
Construction of the TANAP, LOT 2

Project information

Construction of the "TANAP  - Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline", LOT 2.

The aim of Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP) will be to transport natural gas emanating from the South Caucasus Pipeline Company (SCPC) pipeline in Georgia and terminating into the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) in Greece. In addition to the mainline termination, dedicated off takes will be provided to BOTAŞ at strategic points in the Republic of Turkey. The intended total gas volumes to be transported are 16 BCMA from 2018 to 2022, 24 BCMA from 2022 to 2025 and 31 BCMA from 2026 to 2042, excluding fuel and power generation allowances.

SICIM has been selected as Main Contractor for Construction of LOT 2 (371,35 Km of 56” Pipeline), with following Scope of Work:
  • Construction Engineering and Development of Crossings detailed design;
  • Procurement of Project materials (except for CLIENT Supplied Items):
    • Nuts, bolts and gaskets;
    • Fasteners;
    • Cable trays and ladders;
    • Electrical & Instrumentation Cables and fittings;
    • Piping and fittings as per ASME B31.3;
    • Barred Tee;
    • Isolation Joints;
    • Anchor Block Flanges;
    • All Manual Valves;
    • All consumables;
    • Casing Pipe;
    • Cathodic Protection;
    • Reinstatement & Erosion Control Material;
    • Filed Joint Coating;
    • Screw Anchors;
    • Earthing
  • Construction, installation, testing, training CLIENT personnel, pre-commissioning and providing commissioning assistance for LOT 2 (from KP 375 to KP 544,95 and from KP 623,6 to KP 825)
The pipeline traverses diverse geographical terrain, other constraints include:
  • Over 1000 crossings of Roads, Rivers, Rail, Third Party Pipeline Crossings;
  • Steep vertical and Side Slopes;
  • Narrow ROW with “Pinch-Points”;
  • Varying extreme weather and climatic conditions;
  • A large number of geo-hazards of various types and intensity levels;
  • Areas of active passive human socio-economic activity.Pipeline Construction Project.
Summary of the main activities to be performed is detailed below:
  • Eleven (11) mainline block valve stations.
  • Twelve (12) Access Roads for eleven (11) Mainline Block Valves and one (1) future compressor station.
  • Twelve (12) Overhead Power Lines for eleven (11) Mainline Block Valves and one (1) future compressor station tapped from nearest 31.5/ 34.5 kV overhead lines.
  • Twelve (12) Pole Mounted Transformers, pole mounted disconnectors, surge arrestors, fuses and necessary protection devices, for eleven (11) Mainline Block Valves and one (1) future compressor station.
  • CS-3A pigging station (future compressor station).
  • FOC Ducts and installation, including the installation of the manholes and the buried magnetic tracers
  • Anode Beds (to be installed outside of selected AGI’s and BV’s).
  • SOCAR Fibre Communications Project installations (Buildings at BV’s and compressor station locations).
Construction Activities are followed with the support of n.2 Main Camps (with a capacity of 800 People each) and n.2 Fly Camps (with a capacity of 250 People each).


TANAP (Turkey)


Turkey – Ankara/Sivas (Hafik)/Erzincan (Cadirkaya)




372 Km